OWT Creative are a Manchester based design collective, who for the last year or so have been busy independently producing their OWT Zine.
Each issue covers a different subject, with creatives from the North West of England invited to submit work based on that.
Originally they’d planned to only produce 12 issue of the zine, but their 13th issue, Reprocess, takes a slightly different direction.
“Commissioned by the Manchester School of Art and in collaboration with the Graphic Design team, Issue 13 : Reprocess follows a different approach to usual. We not only focused on how work can satisfy a theme, but also, how it changes meaning when juxtaposed with a different creative’s work.
Submissions from the OWT back catalogue form a background layer of pre-existing themes, ready to be manipulated and reprocessed by new work. This changes the context and makes new interpretations while initiating serendipitous collaborations. GF Smith Colourplan and six-colour Riso printing help add further variables. No two zines in the run of 150 are the same.”
A zine building event was held at Cord Bar in Manchester city centre where anyone was welcome to pop in and put their own unique zine together.
If you’re quick you can grab a copy for yourself from the OWT shop.
All images copyright OWT Creative
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